My balance sheet is out of balance or my reports are not showing the correct figures.
This can also be for consolidations.
Sometimes this can occur with the calculations have not been properly refreshed.
1. Under Utilities, run the budget and system recalculations.
2. Make a change in a record (e.g. change Days credit from 20 days to 30 days) and then change it back.
3. In Settings > Preferences, check that the Stock On Hand Cost Per Unit Timing has been set.
4. Check that there are no duplicates in your reports. If there are duplicates, please export the forecast and send it through to with an explanation of the issue and where the duplicates can be located.
5. Check that you have not double entered Opening Balances for Separately Invoice records:
6. Check there are no negative loans. Forecast 5 does not recognise negative loans
e.g. loans with balloon payments but no loan balance or balance paid in excess of owing on the loan, etc.
7. Reset the GST/VAT rates to 0 and recalculate.
8. Check the PAYE rates are correct.
9. Change the Income Tax Provision/Corporation Tax percentage to force a recalculation.
10. Check you have entered Days Credit on any factoring records.