SQLException: Cannot insert the value NULL into column

SQLException: Cannot insert the value NULL into column


When importing or copying a forecast, you are are getting the following error:

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'InputDataBase',
table 'Forecast52020.dbo.InputData'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.

Note: the words in italics may differ based on your database and issue.


This is caused when there has been some vital information missing from the forecast you are trying to import or copy.
This can occur when using the integrations or importing from spreadsheets.


In the original copy of the forecast you are trying to copy/import, check that:

  1. You have run the budget and system recalcs. Found under Utilities.
  2. There are no missing defaults in the settings, e.g. Currency, GST, PAYE, etc.

Then you will need to export the forecast again.