If you have a network license and you wish to store the Forecast 5 database on a server, you will need to update the config file to point to the correct server and database.
<ConnectionString>Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDBFileName=C:\ProgramData\Forecast 5 Ltd\Data\Forecast5V3_2015.mdf;Initial Catalog=Forecast5V3_2015;Integrated Security=True;</ConnectionString>
4. Replace with the line below and enter the correct database name by changing the coloured lines below to your server or computer name and the database name (it is new database, you can create any name that has no spaces or odd characters, e.g. $, % '):
Note: below is an example of a default SQLExpress instance. DESKTOP-MHDPC00 should be renamed to the PC/Server you are connecting to. SQLExpress is the instance you are connecting to.
<ConnectionString>Data Source=DESKTOP-MHDPC00\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Forecast5v3_2015;Persist Security Info=True;Integrated Security=SSPI;</ConnectionString>
Or you can add the SA username and password:
<ConnectionString>Data Source=DESKTOP-MHDPC00\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Forecast5v3_2015;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;</ConnectionString>
4. Save the config and reopen Forecast 5.
Note: you can find the server name by opening SQL Server Management Studio: