Xero Integration: Include Tracking Codes, All Account and Archived Accounts boxes

Xero Integration: Include Tracking Codes, All Account and Archived Accounts boxes

In February 2023, improvements were made to the Xero integration to better accommodate the inclusion or exclusion of Tracking Codes and archived accounts.

If Include Tracking Codes is selected
This will create a record for every tracking category option that has a transaction posted to it from the forecast start date .
E.g. Sales has a General Ledger code of 200. There are 2 tracking categories, A and B

We will create the following records
      1. Sales (unassigned, unassigned)
      2. Sales (A, unassigned )
      3. Sales (A, B )
      4. Sales (unassigned, B)

Unassigned means there has been no category allocated to that GL code.

If Include all accounts is selected but not tracking codes
This will create one record for each GL code by ignoring tracking categories, making it easier to budget with less records.

If Include Archived accounts is selected but not tracking codes
This will look for all archived accounts and include any records with values. This can be useful if you are looking back 2 -3 years where an account could have been archived.

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