Getting Started
Trial Installation Guide
Installation Checklist Before beginning your install of Forecast 5, please visit our system requirements page and check that you have permissions below to ensure that you do not run into any issues. Local PC Permissions Admin Permissions Password ...
Forecast 5 Essentials Guide - the basics of Forecast 5
This guide will walk you through the steps of setting up and using Forecast 5. Introduction to Forecast 5 Forecast 5 is a purpose-built forecast and budgeting tool that uses a pre-built metric template and contains an integrated report set (P&L, ...
Forecast 5 Record Types and Descriptions
Types of Record Forecast 5 provides a variety of types of record, each tailored to a specific requirement. For example, the information that must be entered about income is quite different from that entered about a financed asset. Sales Record Types ...
Forecast 5 Quick Start Guide
Contents Introduction to Forecast 5 ..................................................................................................................... 3 Creating a new Forecast ...
Supported Operating Systems
We are constrained by Microsoft's support of our development environments and operating systems. As such we support Operating Systems that are still within mainstream support. Below is a list of Windows operating systems and their current support ...
Forecast 5 Support Policy
The annual subscription includes the provision of support to an end user, access to the online training videos, continued use of the product and access to updates and releases. You have access to the Forecast 5 Knowledge Base, available ...
Failed license activation: ports, firewall and webservice URLS
Some customer sites have increased security that can block Forecast 5 from updating or accessing the license server. To allow activation open Port: 80 and allow access to the licensing webservice url: ...
Possible Issues Of Running WPF Applications In Citrix
While WPF has been around for a while, there may still be issues when running an application based on that technology within a CITRIX Environment. To help out our customers we have found the following CITRIX articles that may help you get the best ...
How To Manually Activate Forecast 5
1. From the Forecast 5 Activation screen, select Manual Activation: 2. Fill in Product Key and Company Name and select Generate File: 3. Send your activation file to and we will send you back an activated file. Save this ...
Install Issue: Could not write value Installed to key.
Could not write value Installed to key. The error message below occurs during installation if the user installing does not have adequate permissions. Solution: Run REGEDIT (if you cannot run this, you will need to log in as administrator to ...
Convert from Winforecast to Forecast 5
To simplify the transition from Sage Winforecast to Forecast 5, we have provided an easy step-by-step guide on converting your Sage Winforecast forecast to Forecast 5. To convert a Sage Winforecast into Forecast 5 a) Open Winforecast and the ...
Convert from your spreadsheet to Forecast 5
To simplify your transition to Forecast 5, we have provided an easy step-by-step guide on converting your spreadsheet to Forecast 5. Open the excel budget. Save as a new spreadsheet. In the saved spreadsheet remove all totals and subtotals. Open ...
System Requirements
Base Package For Single user with less than 20 forecasts RECOMMENDED TARGET USER Single User. Up to 20 forecasts. RAM 8 GB or Greater CPU 2.0 GHZ Quad Core or Greater FREE HARD DRIVE SPACE 10 GB + SCREEN RESOLUTION 1920 x 1080 HARD DISK SSD OPERATING ...
Installation Guide
Please click on the attachment tab. The Forecast 5 Installation Guide is available to assist all with installing Forecast 5. Note: The installation guide refers to SQL Express 2017 but the process will be the same for newer versions of SQL Express. ...
Forecast 5 User Guide
Contents Activating Your Forecast 5 License ........................................................................................................3 Having Trouble Activating Your Forecast 5 License? ...
Activating Forecast 5
Activating Your Forecast 5 License Once your copy of Forecast 5 has been installed, you will then need to activate your license. 1)Open Forecast 5. You should be prompted to license Forecast 5 upon opening. 2)If not, go to Help > Licensing. 3)Upon ...